How to Make Money Blogging.


Making money blogging has been a common question for quite some time. With the rising trend of blogs now, it is not a surprise to see so many people asking about it. What if you could make money blogging within your initial months of starting up? And not just enough to buy a monthly cup of coffee or make that monthly phone bill, but enough to pay off such expenses and still have some left over? Trust me, it is possible.

In this article I have listed 14 tips on how you can start making money blogging, and I’ll be also sharing a few tips that will help you start building your blog quickly so that you can get started.

1. Launching Your Blog

Now that you've got an idea for your blog, it's time to get started. Before you can start blogging, there are some things that need to be done first:

  • Pick a topic you're passionate about. Sure, it's possible to make money from any niche, but it’s extremely difficult if you don't have any interest in the topic. It would be better if your blog can stand out than trying to compete with other blogs on the same topic.
  • Choose a niche that is specific enough yet still broad enough so that people can relate themselves with this blog posts and readers will find what they are looking for in this blog.
  • Pick a name for your blog – Your website name should be as unique as possible since there are already so many websites out there which already own similar names (like me). Those sites with similar names will appear first when searching Google or other search engines like Bing so picking something unique is important!

2. Make Sure You Have Enough Content.

In order to make money blogging, you need to have enough quality content. You need a lot of it!

Your audience won’t stick around for long if they don’t have any fresh material to look forward to. And when people aren't reading your blog, they're not visiting your website or social media profiles either (which means no new readers). So, it's important that you keep up with your publishing schedule so that your readership doesn't dwindle away from lack of fresh content.

3. Write Good Content.

Write about what you know. If you are passionate about a certain topic, consider writing about it and sharing your knowledge with the world. Your readers will appreciate knowing more about this subject, too!

Write about what you are passionate about. This should be obvious, but sometimes we get caught up in our day-to-day lives and forget to prioritize what really matters: our passions and interests! If there’s something that makes your heart sing, write about that thing!

Write about what want to learn/teach others on (a) topic(s). You may not be an expert on a particular subject just yet—but don’t let that stop you from providing value for others by sharing what you know so far. Plus, if they find value in reading your posts (and they do), then they’ll likely share them with others—which means even more exposure for your site!

If you focus on great content and doing a few things well, you can make money blogging.

Here's a few things I've learned about making money blogging:

  • Focus on the things that are important to your audience.
  • Don't try to do too much at once.
  • Don't try to please everyone. Instead, focus on being yourself and doing what you love—and let them come to you! It's not hard if you're honest, authentic and can show people how they can help themselves with what they offer.

4. Make Sure People Can Find Your Blog Online.

Once you have a blog, it’s important to make sure that people can find it online. This means using the right keywords in your blog posts and titles, using SEO tools to help you improve your website’s SEO, making sure your site is mobile friendly, and using social media to get your blog in front of new readers.

You must have an audience to make money blogging

You cannot expect to make money blogging without an audience. You can’t just start a blog and expect people to find it and pay you for it, no matter how good the content is. If you want to earn online revenue from your blog, then you must first build an audience by creating great content that they will enjoy reading and sharing.

Once you have built up an audience of loyal readers who love what they see on your blog, then marketing is much easier because they are already invested in what you have to say. Of course, there will still be some who don’t like what you write or find other reasons not to be interested in staying with your blog but these are few and far between compared with those who will stay if only because everyone else does!

5. Work With Sponsors.

When it comes to making money blogging, sponsorships are one of the most lucrative ways to bring in revenue. But how do you find sponsors? And once you've found them, what should your sponsorship deals look like?

If you're just starting out with sponsored content on your blog, my advice is to structure your deals so that they're short-term and for specific campaigns only (rather than ongoing). You can always work with a sponsor again in the future if things go well! For example: "We'd like to invite our readership out into nature this weekend." This could be an opportunity for Timberland boots or another brand of outdoor apparel company (or even an outdoorsy store) to offer up some free gear—and then showcase it on social media as part of their campaign.

It's also important not only that brands pay attention when they're sponsoring a blogger's site but also that bloggers pay attention when they've been sponsored by brands—which brings us back around full circle.

6. Consider Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money blogging, because it can be done on the side in addition to your regular job or while you’re quitting work. You don't need a large audience or a lot of time, just a few hours each week.

There are many different ways people earn affiliate income: through Amazon Associates, eBay Partner Network (EPN), Shopify Partners, Google AdSense and more. Each program has its own rules for how you can get paid—some pay per click (PPC) and others pay per sale—but it all comes down to promoting products that help your readers and then getting paid when someone buys something because of your recommendation.

You'll find tons of potential products within those affiliate programs; just look for things like books, digital downloads (e-books), services offered by other businesses like graphic design or copywriting services; websites related to travel tips or real estate investing; mobile apps designed specifically for entrepreneurs who want some extra help managing their businesses...the list goes on!

7. Join a Blogging Community.

Joining a blogging community can be really helpful.

You can learn about blogging from other bloggers in your community, you can connect with people who have similar interests as you and will help you grow, and many communities offer free resources to their members.

8. Use Social Media to Promote Your Blog.

Social media is an awesome way to promote your blog and yourself/brand.

  • Use social media platforms to promote your blog: Create a Facebook page, Instagram profile, Twitter account, YouTube channel and Pinterest board for your blog. Post regularly on each platform.
  • Use social media to promote yourself: Be sure people know who you are before they visit or subscribe to your blog by promoting yourself on all of the above platforms plus LinkedIn and Reddit (if it’s relevant).
  • Use social media to promote content: Create an article that summarizes what people can expect from reading your blog posts so they can share it with their friends or colleagues who will enjoy reading it too. 

Add this article as a resource onto the end of each post as well as pinning it onto Pinterest/Instagram etc…and link back up with one or two other links that take readers directly over through either email marketing campaigns or paid advertising channels like Google AdWords which works really well for driving traffic back into sites like Blogger where there are no expensive hosting fees involved!

9. Monetizing Your Blog

The first step to monetizing your blog is to make sure you have enough content. If a reader goes to your site and sees nothing there, they will not want to stay. That way, once they click on an ad or buy something from you, they will know that what they are looking for is on the other side of the page. 

The second step is joining a blogging community such as Bloggers Unite! This website has many resources that can help you get started making money with blogs (and even if it doesn't) but there are also many tips on how NOT to do things. 

For example: Don't use too many ads at once! Some people may think "more ads = more money" but this isn't true because it gets annoying and people won't want to come back anymore." 

Next comes social media which includes Facebook, Twitter etcetera, however this only work if they're used correctly so make sure there's enough content before trying them out.

Finally comes monetizing itself through selling ad space or written content such as eBooks/guides. Although I recommend doing both since it gives more opportunities for profit than just one method alone would provide :)

10. Write an eBook and Sell it to Your Audience.

Writing an eBook is a great way to build your personal brand and create passive income. An eBook is a digital product that you can sell online, usually in PDF format.

You'll want to write about something you're passionate about, whether it's a hobby or just something that interests you. Here are some topics that work well:

  • Writing tips
  • How-to guides
  • Inspirational stories

11. Selling Ads.

Ads can be sold in a variety of ways.

You can sell ads on your own website, or you can sell ads on other websites as well. Some blogs are purely ad-driven, while others have a mixture of editorial content and advertising.

Ads can be sold in a variety of formats. The most common types are text links and banner ads (also called "display" ads). However, there are many other options available that may work better for your blog depending on its subject matter and style—for example: video pre-polls before videos hosted on YouTube; mobile interstitials (that pop up between pages); native advertising (i.e., sponsored posts that look just like regular blog posts); etc.

12. Start selling Ad Space on Your Blog.

Selling ad space on your blog is a great way to make money because it's passive income. You don't have to keep promoting the ads yourself; they'll keep running as long as you've chosen the right ad networks and negotiated an attractive deal.

There are two major types of ads: display ads (which include things like banners and buttons), and text links (which are just regular Google Adsense-style text links). Display ads tend to pay more per click because they take up more space on the page, but affiliate marketing also tends to pay well since people will be going directly from reading one of your product reviews or articles into purchasing something directly from Amazon or another retailer's site (and thus giving you commission).

13. Selling Products and Services.

You can make money blogging by offering a service or product to your audience. You must have the skills and experience to do the work, though, as well as time and funds. If you really want to get into this kind of revenue generation, make sure that it's something you know enough about to be confident in what you're offering.

It is also important that the product or service is something people would be interested in buying from you—for example, if you're writing about technology and mobile devices, selling cell phones would fit into this category nicely.

If you have a blog about dog training and you want to make money blogging, then you should create a product that is directly related to your audience. For example, if your blog readers are fans of clicker training (a form of positive reinforcement), they might be interested in buying clickers or other products they can use while training their own dogs.

You also need to make sure that your product is something you can deliver. This means having the resources (such as time, staff members) necessary for producing an item from beginning to end.

a) Focus on the types of products you know your audience will love.

You’re going to be selling products, so you need to make sure your audience will want them. To do that, you need to think about the types of products that would interest someone in your target audience.

For instance, if you're writing a blog about travel, then a great product for you to sell is a guidebook on traveling in South America or Europe (or wherever). If you're writing a blog about personal finance and investing, the perfect product to sell is an investment book or course; something that teaches people how they can build wealth faster by investing their money properly.

b) Feature those products on the homepage of your site, in blog posts and in social media posts.

The most important thing to consider when featuring products on your website is the quality of the products you're featuring. You don't want to feature high-quality, relevant products that are expensive and difficult to buy.

This is why it's a good idea to test different products in different niches before deciding which ones will be featured on your site.

The best way to do this is through Amazon Associates—a program that lets you earn commissions from links on your blog or social media pages by using their product recommendation software. It also allows other bloggers to promote their own products through links on their sites.

c) Offer consulting services or coaching calls as an additional source of revenue for your audience.

If you have a specific expertise on your blog, you can make money out of it by offering coaching calls to help people overcome challenges in their lives. For example, if you have a fitness blog and are knowledgeable about how to lose weight fast, you can offer coaching calls where you discuss the best way for someone to lose weight. You could even offer them personalized meal plans and workouts tailored specifically for them! The possibilities are endless here!

Offer consulting services to help people with specific issues related to your field of expertise (and make yourself a valuable resource). If people know that they can come ask questions whenever they need advice from someone who knows their field better than anyone else around them, then they might be more likely to buy something from you because they know they'll get the answer right away without having any doubts about whether or not their question was answered well enough by someone who only knows half-baked facts about what they're trying to learn more about.

Here are some ideas that we believe are worth exploring:

  • Offer consulting services or coaching calls as an extra source of income for your audience.
  • Offer a course on the topic of your blog with pre-written lessons, handouts and other materials that will help them along the way (and give you more content).
  • Offer a membership site where members can access all kinds of resources, such as courses or worksheets related to their specific needs or interests (and giving you more content).
  • Offer a workshop in person or via webinars/tele-classes/etc., where attendees pay an upfront fee but get lifetime access to recordings (and giving them even more content).

14. Ask for Donations from Your Readers.

This is a great way to make money, but it's also important to be clear with your readers about how you're using the money. If you're accepting donations for a cause, tell them what that cause is and why it's important to you.

If you want to get paid for writing sponsored posts or product reviews, let people know that too! It can be confusing if readers don't know what they are reading is sponsored content or if they think it's just another post from their favorite blogger. Letting people know upfront will help avoid confusion and make sure everyone knows exactly what they are signing up for by clicking on an ad or link in one of your posts.

Blogging can be a great way to make money, but it takes some planning and patience to succeed

You can make money blogging, but it takes some planning and patience to succeed. The first step is to have a plan for your blog and what you want it to achieve. Do you want to be a personal finance guru who helps people avoid debt? Or maybe the goal is more along the lines of making $1,000 per month from affiliate marketing on Amazon.

You should also be consistent with your blogging schedule—this means posting regularly every week or two weeks or whatever works best with your schedule (and doesn't interfere too much with any other commitments). You should also be patient while building up readership over time—it takes time for anyone new at something before they start seeing results!

The most important thing though isn't even how much money you make off of blogging: instead it's learning how much fun writing can be!



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